Package-level declarations
The full Flutter distribution version in format major.minor.patch.platform.architecture.
The full Flutter distribution version in format major.minor.patch (platform architecture).
A representation of the structure of a project made with the Klutter Framework. Each property of this object represents a folder containing one or more folders and/or files which are in some way used or needed by Klutter.
flutter: plugin: platforms: android: package: com.example.super_awesome pluginClass: SuperAwesomePlugin ios: pluginClass: SuperAwesomePlugin
plugin: platforms: android: package: com.example.super_awesome pluginClass: SuperAwesomePlugin ios: pluginClass: SuperAwesomePlugin
platforms: android: package: com.example.super_awesome pluginClass: SuperAwesomePlugin ios: pluginClass: SuperAwesomePlugin
Get current OperatingSystem from System Properties.
Generate a unique folder name for this Flutter configuration.
Dependencies instance which uses GIT for all dependencies.
The version of Klutter Gradle Executable Tool.
The version of the klutter Pub Plugin.
The version of the klutter-ui Pub Plugin.
The root/kradle.env File.
Path to Klutter projects cache folder which is
The root/kradle.yaml File.
Generate a unique display name for this Flutter configuration.
Pattern to be used to add properties to local/public configuration files (kradle.yaml, kradle.env).
Path to Klutter projects protoc folder which is kradleHome/.cache/protobuf/protoc.
Path to SDK folder Flutter which is
The version of the squint_json Pub Plugin.
Pattern to be used to add system properties to local/public configuration files (kradle.yaml, kradle.env).
Path to Klutter cache folder which is
Try to replace all project properties projectPropertyPattern and return File content.
Try to replace all system properties systemPropertyPattern and return File content.